
Remote - Chaosflux from 26-28 February 2021

The Chaosflux is a remote network meeting of the Chaos Computer Club Siegen, which plays, illuminates and enables connections between (digital) technology, art/culture and society. The event was actually planned as on-site event for April 2020 and had to be postponed for the time being due to the ongoing pandemic and furthermore transformed into the remote format. Chaosflux will accordingly take place for the first time from February 26-28, 2021 and annually thereafter.

In addition to hackers, artists, designers, and scientists, we are targeting cultural workers of all kinds as well as those interested in general. The Chaosflux offers a remote laboratory in which known orders can be questioned and, for example, re-explored within the framework of technical and/or artistic/cultural strategies and procedures. In this context, the chaotic is considered constructive and supposed boundaries are seen as fluid.

Under this year's motto "Irritate/Generate," the individual contributions set multifaceted focal points. Within the framework of a digital 2D world that participants can enter with avatars and fill with virtual life, there will be collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary design possibilities: https://chaosflux.de/en/getting-there.

In doing so, Chaosflux aims to make interfaces of art/culture, technology and society visible and enable participants to explore, experience and expand them. In addition, Chaosflux aims to make existing (supra-) regional networks visible and to be a breeding ground for their expansion. In times of the pandemic, the main focus is on the (renewed) activation or maintenance and strengthening of established networks in order to meet current challenges facing society as a whole with a will to shape the future.

In addition to lectures and workshops, there will also be artistic contributions and participants can become active themselves within the framework of the digital 2D world.

The program and further information on the event can be found at: https://chaosflux.de/en/fahrplan. The program is expected to grow in contributions until February 26 and will therefore be continuously updated until then.

Stay safe!

edition 19
Chaos Computer Club Siegen

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